In getting prepared for the
Bust Holiday Craftacular this weekend in NYC I couldn't help but think back to the first ever Caseybot public event, Renegace Craft Fair Chicago in 2007. Although Caseybots have been around since '05, this was the first show we did. I was completely unprepared, understocked and had a terribly ugly booth, but I had no idea at the time! I was amazed when I sold out of all of my stock on the first day, but in hind sight, i took barely any stock to begin with! But the point is, being unprepared and selling out at RCF '07 was one of the best things that could have ever happened to the busines. It gave me the confidence to know that people loved what I was doing, and it was the gateway to numerous events since. 5 Renegades and 12 shows later, we are still going strong!
I have posted some pics of my first booth. Note the bedsheet tablecloths and random hanging plushies. Also, please note that this pic was taken before the show started, and this is ALL of my stock, ha! Now I show up with crates upon crates upon crates and still feel unprepared.

These photos make me kind of nostalgic for the days of creating completely unique and one of a kind plush... not that I don't LOVE making the hats, but there was something special about each piece having it's own personality.
I will post a pic of my swanky new booth after the show this weekend, so look forward to that!